Dear Beloved of God, valued members and supporters of Christ Our Savior’s Lutheran Parish:

The faith received by grace is a gift in the life of our congregation. The way of the cross of Jesus Christ is our pathway to new life too! Be assured of our love, prayer and mutual support during this time where we are called to gathering both in-person as well as online. We are baptized into Christ, thus our faith is a sure anchor in times of fear and uncertainty. The prayers of the redeemed on earth are united with the endless prayers of the saints in heaven. Prayers of the faithful are ever with us and not bound to any dimension of time or space.

Worship - In-person

9:30 a.m. in-person worship at Our Savior's Lutheran Church - 2147 Ridge Road Ext. Ambridge, PA  15003

11:00 a.m. in-person worship at Christ Ev. Lutheran Church - 399 State Street Baden, PA  15005

Worship - ONLINE

Live stream of Sunday worship can be found on the Christ-Baden Facebook page:  Christ Lutheran Church – Baden.  After worship is completed, it will be posted on our parish website: under the online worship tab.


Sunday School – Materials Distributed by mail or delivery.

Sunday school children/youth can receive scanned copies or mailed copies of materials.  Materials for each participant is available including extras to share with neighbors & friends, please email OR  OR Phone/text 724-480-5040.

Both Our Savior’s and Christ Baden can receive your financial support via USPS.  Christ Baden members can also give through your checking account or credit/debit card at any time using the following link:

Supporting Needs of community and members -

Support continues for members and neighbors.  Donations of food have been distributed to those in need. Economic support in small amounts can be provided directly to utilities and rent.  We are available to support any at risk or who may feel at risk to pick up prescription medications or grocery items.  Phone calls, card ministry as well as visits as needed for emotional support.

Please contact me directly, if there are any questions or concerns.

In prayer with you and for our world,

Rev. Jill E. McGregor, Pastor




Upcoming Events


SUNDAY WORSHIP - In-person and online

9:30am worship at Our Savior's Lutheran Church 2147 Ridge Rd. Ext. Ambridge, PA 15003 724-266-1169


11:00am worship at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church 399 State St. Baden, PA 15005 724-869-7635


*ONLINE worship is on Facebook: "Christ Lutheran Church—Baden" every Sunday at 11:00am.


Online Offering

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